Solutions and possibilities for pandemic times and beyond
LHA1148: Introduction to Workplace, Organizational, and Economic Democracy ("the COVID-19 edition")
An OISE/University of Toronto graduate seminar
May-June 2020

Syllabus: Introduction to Workplace, Organizational, and Economic Democracy ("the COVID-19 edition")
Full Course Syllabus
Pre-Course Reading and Course Text
The course text is Jim Stanford’s book, Economics for Everyone: A Short Guide to the Economics of Capitalism (Pluto Press, 2015). This book will be our reference guide. Our take-up of economic democracy as “alternative” to capitalism will be informed by Stanford’s’ accessible and critical overview of capitalism and its neoliberal variety – our era’s still dominant but currently at-risk economic model. COVID-19 will likely force capitalism to transform itself into another variety, which we will discuss throughout the class.
Here are a few other readings – mostly short – that you should review before the class starts to orient yourself to our times and the themes of the “COVID-19 edition” of this course:
Jim Stanford’s response to the COVID-19 socio-economic crisis.
Comparative resilience for post-COVID reconstruction (Michael Schuman).
What solidarity means during the coronavirus crisis, from OISE professor Rubén Gaztambide-Fernández.
No return to normal for a post-pandemic liberation (Max Haiven).
David Schweickart’s vision of economic democracy.
Marcelo Vieta and Fiona Duguid on co-operatives’ responses to the COVID-19 crisis.
Palliatives for productivism during times of quarantine (for our own well-being!):
From UofT political science professor Aisha Ahmad.
A brief message from musician Nick Cave.
Watch “Movement Building in the Time of the Coronavirus: A Rising Majority Teach-In,” with Naomi Klein and Prof. Angela Davis (April 6, 2020, on YouTube)
For excellent and balanced coverage of the impact of COVID-19 on Canada’s society and economy, see the academic journalism of The Conversation Canada.
For an emerging database of COVID-19 resources, The Syllabus: Coronavirus Readings.
Week 1 (May 4-8, 2020)
Setting the Stage and Key Concepts (Modules 1 and 2)
Week 2 (May 11-15, 2020)
Theorizing Economic Democracy (Modules 3 and 4)
Week 3 (May 18-22, 2020)
Socializing the Economy (Modules 5 and 6)
Week 5 (June 1-5, 2020)
Caring for the Environment, Living Better (Modules 9 and 10)
Go to Week 5, Modules 9 and 10
Week 6 (June 8-12, 2020)
Expanding Workplace, Organizational, and Economic Democracy: Contesting COVID, Envisioning the Future (Modules 11 and 12)
Go to Week 6, Modules 11 and 12