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Solutions and possibilities for pandemic times and beyond
LHA1148: Introduction to Workplace, Organizational, and Economic Democracy ("the COVID-19 edition")
An OISE/University of Toronto graduate seminar
May-June 2020

Looking to reach out to us? Get in touch.
Website designed and developed by
The Economic Democracy Collective (this time: Marcelo Vieta, Lidia Mestnick, Ashish Pillai, Michelle Bancroft, Sofia Lydiatt Elton, and Dalia Al-Mouaswas)
Essays by students of LHA1148 offered in Summer Session 1, May-June 2020, at OISE/UT
LHA1148 graduate seminar designed and led by Prof. Marcelo Vieta (OISE/UT)
Course instructor and designer:
marcelo [dot] vieta [at] utoronto [dot] ca
The Economic Democracy Collective:
econdemos1148 [at] gmail [dot] com
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